Thursday, October 9, 2014

Adjectives Lesson Plan

Template Item & Comments
Lesson Title: Adjectives in a Bag!

Lesson Length: Greater than 120 Minutes

Target Audience: 3rd Grade

Instructional Objectives (Content & Technology)

Students will use adjectives to describe unknown objects. Students will identify adjectives in a writing sample. Students will use adjectives in their writing.

Corresponding AL Course of Study Objectives (National Subject Area Standards) & Technology Standards

1. Use input and output devices of technology systems.
2. Use various technology applications, including word processing and multimedia software.
8. Collect information from a variety of digital sources.
37. Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. [L.3.1]

Materials: Bags, a variety of objects to put in bags, highlighters (one per student). Computers with Internet access, LCD projector, printer, word processing software


1.)Inform students that they are going to be learning about adjectives. Explain that students will not be given the definition for adjectives, but rather they will have to determine their own meaning of adjectives from an activity.

2.)Choose a student to come up to the front of the room. Have that student put his/her hand into the bag and describe what he/she feels.
Let the rest of the class try to guess what the object is in the bag from the clues given by the student describing the object.

3.)The teacher will label the bags on the board and list the adjectives that were used to describe each object.
Continue this activity until all unknown items have been identified.

4.)After the activity is complete, ask students to give their own definition of what an adjective might be. Help students come up with a working definition for adjectives.

This website has information about adjectives.

5.)Once students have a clear understanding of adjectives allow them to practice identifying the adjectives on the website below.

6.) Adjectives and Character Traits
( Adjectives and Character Traits Handout)


After students have time to practice identifying adjectives on the website, have them write a brief story using at least 10 adjectives.
Have students use word processing software to type their stories and publish them.
After students have completed their stories, allow them time to share their stories with the class.
Once everyone has shared their stories, have students exchange papers. Have students use a highlighter to highlight all the adjectives they can find in the story.
(Sample Charcter Traits)
A listing of numerous character traits.


  • Use cooperative learning strategies when appropriate
  • Assign a peer helper to check understanding of directions
  • Assign a peer helper to read important directions and essential information
  • Assign a peer tutor to record material dictated by the student
  • Other

This lesson provided by:
Author:            Jeni Wilhite
System:           Cullman County
School:            Vinemont Elementary School
Lesson Plan ID:          16021

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